Report Usage

Phone: (855) 426-4433, Fax: (903) 786-8211

Well meter readings must be taken on a monthly basis, within 10 days before or after the last day of the month. These can be submitted monthly, or collected and submitted at one time at the end of the quarterly billing cycle. Late reports will be subject to a late fee of fifty dollars ($50) per billing account. Please see the Billing page for more information on the billing cycles and deadlines. A form is below for your use or please contact the District to determine if the form your organization is using currently will meet the District's needs. 

Groundwater Production Form     PDF     Excel​

Reporting Online
Login to the well registration site at and click on "Meter Readings". 

If you need assistance or have questions, please contact the office by phone or email. 

Reporting By Email
Readings can be submitted by email to

Reporting By Mail
Readings can be submitted by mail to PO Box 508, Gainesville, TX 76241

Reporting By Fax
Readings can be submitted by fax to (903) 786-8211. 

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